Past Issues

Edal VIII · 2019
ISBN: 978-88-941986-7-6
128pp., 14 color plates.
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128pp., 14 color plates.
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Patrizia Piacentini
At the Start of a Friendship: Vladimir Golenischeff,
Alan Gardiner and the Ancient Egyptian Onomastica in 1907-1912
Ivan Ladynin
Moscow or Berlin. History of V. Golenischeff’s Collection Based on the Documents from A. Erman’s Archive
Evgeniya Anokhina
Vladimir Golenischeff and first steps in studying Kültepe tablets
Vladimir Shelestin, Anastasia Iasenovskaia,
Alexandre Nemirovsky
Franco Cimmino
Giovanni and Alessandro Cimmino
The Khashaba Museum (1910s-1960s)
Hend Mohamed Abdel Rahman
Edal VII · 2018
ISBN: 9788894198645
120pp., 7 color plates.
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120pp., 7 color plates.​
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Patrizia Piacentini
Die Archivbestände des Berliner Ägyptischen Museums
Christina Hanus, Anne Stumpf und Klaus Finneiser
Nachbearbeitung von Funden aus den dog-Grabungen in Ägypten
Rolf Krauss
Bibliography of Prof. Dr. Abdel Moneim bey Abu Bakr (1907-1976)
Amr Omar, Walaa Ahmed
Pre- and Early Dynastic Documents in the Victor Loret Collection of the Università degli Studi di Milano: Le roi Nar-mer, an unpublished article.
Alessio Delli Castelli
L’altro Champollion: gli autografi conservati nel Fondo Champollion della Biblioteca Comunale Manfrediana di Faenza
Flavio Merletti, Arianna D’Ottone Rambach

Edal VI · 2017
ISBN: 9788894198621
2 volumi
vol. 1: 464 pp., 46 articoli in inglese.
vol. 2: 216 pp., appendici, lista degli autori, 90 tavole a col.
Consulta l’indice: SCARICA IL PDF.
2 volumes
vol. 1: 464 pp., 46 articles in English.
vol. 2: 216 pp., appendices, list of authors, 90 plates col.
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EDAL V · 2015-2016
ISBN: 9788894198614
144pp., 16 tavole a col., 11 articoli in italiano, inglese, francese.
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144pp., 16 plates col., 11 articles in Italian, English, French.
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TABLE of CONTENTS (click on the link for the PDF abstract)
Patrizia Piacentini
Les papyrus magiques du Ramesseum: aperçu de la recherche et choix de résultats
Pierre Meyrat
The prisoner statue « fragments » in Milano
Tara Prakash
La longue histoire documentaire d’un colosse de Ramsès II à Karnak
Alain Arnaudiès
Carlo Ignazio Busca Arconati Visconti (1791-1850): from his travels in Egypt to the Castellazzo Collection
Patrizia Piacentini
Unpublished documents ad memoriam of the scientific exploration of ancient and modern habitats in the Valley of the Nile: W. Friedrich Hemprich and B. Drovetti, E. Schiaparelli and A. Schweinfurth
Laura Donatelli Dotta · Elvira D’Amicone
Amedeo Peyron and the Coptic papyrus codices from This
Paola Buzi
Ancora su Amalia Nizzoli e le sue Memorie sull’Egitto
Sergio Pernigotti
Quello che dobbiamo a Medea Norsa
Carlo Pernigotti
L’Accademia di Belle Arti d’Egitto a Roma: fra
tradizione e innovazione
Gihane Zaki
Il pane e la vita
Gihane Zaki
De la Grèce à l’Égypte Ptolémaïque et Romaine: exemples d’expérimentation alimentaire dans une société multiculturelle
Silvia Bussi

Edal IV · 2013-2014
320pp., 30 tavole a col., 26 articoli in inglese.
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320pp., 30 plates col., 26 articles in English.
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TABLE of CONTENTS (click on the link for the PDF abstract)
Editorial. From the formation of Egyptological archives to Forming Material Egypt
Patrizia Piacentini
Forming Material Egypt: from conference to publication in changing times
Stephen Quirke
The Egypt Exploration Society and Forming Material
Egypt: notes for the future
Chris Naunton
Forming Material Egypt: the support of the Friends of the Petrie Museum
Lucia Gahlin and Jan Picton
Re-materialising “state formation”: Hierakonpolis 2.0
Richard Bussmann
Collecting groups: the archaeological context of the late
Middle Kingdom Cemetery a at Harageh
Gianluca Miniaci
The history and research of the Naqada Region Collection
Geoffrey J. Tassie and Joris van Wetering
Museum collections and moving objects in Egypt: an approach to amend the current situation
Maher A. Eissa and Louay M. Saied
John Rankin and John Garstang: funding Egyptology in a pioneering age
Anna Garnett
The antiquities path: from the Sale Room of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, through dealers, to private and public collections. A work in progress
Patrizia Piacentini
Re-excavating Egypt: unlocking the potential in ancient
Egyptian collections in the uk
Margaret Serpico
Between the field and the museum: the ongoing project of archaeological context
Alice Stevenson
Storage issues in Egyptian heritage: risk assessment,
conservation needs and policy planning
Abdelrazek Elnaggar
Materiality and the observer: active and passive archaeologies
David Jeffreys
Threats to Egyptian rock-art
Francis Lankester
The Horemheb & Saqqara Project of the Archaeological
Museum of Bologna
Daniela Picchi
Challenges and dangers of networking museums databases
Tarek Sayed Tawfik
Abandoned Nubian villages in Upper Egypt: material culture in social anthropological field studies
Lilli Zabrana
Modern “authoritative interpretations” and the (mis)production of the Ptolemaic past
Heba Abd el-Gawad
The planned past: policy and (ancient) Egypt
William Carruthers
Forming and performing material Egypt: archaeological
knowledge production and presentation
Paolo Del Vesco
Egyptology in the shadow of class
Wendy Doyon
Find as theme: re-uniting “expert” and “public” agendas in Egyptian collections
Stephen Quirke
Back to the future: policy and practice. Final open-floor
discussion, chaired by Okasha El Daly. Summary from
notes by Birgit Schoer and Stephen Quirke
Stephen Quirke
The object-interruptive: reflections on the social resonance of the archaeological find
Ayman A. El-Desouky
Afterword from Cairo January 2014
Tarek Sayed Tawfik
EDAL III · 2012
182pp., 29 tavole a col., 9 contributi in italiano, inglese, francese.
Consulta l’indice: SCARICA IL PDF.
182pp., 29 plates col., 9 articles in Italian, English, French.
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TABLE of CONTENTS (click on the link for the PDF abstract)
Editorial. The activities of the Egyptological Archives and Library of the Università degli Studi di Milano (2012)
Patrizia Piacentini
The Egyptological Archives and Library of the Università degli Studi di Milano. Bibliography (III)
Christian Orsenigo
Archives et diplomatique à la XXIe dynastie. À propos d’un papyrus « d’el-Hibeh »
Dominique Lefèvre
Sulla problematica attribuzione di alcuni oggetti al corredo funerario della tomba di Thutmosi III nella Valle dei Re (KV 34)
Christian Orsenigo
I « taccuini egizi » inediti dell’ingegnere Cesare Bertea (1866-1941)
Silvia Einaudi
Sulle tracce di Virginio Rosa: un pinerolese in Egitto al seguito di Schiaparelli
Beppe Moiso
The Imam and the Museum: An Islamic Provenance for Ancient Egypt at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Wendy Doyon
Ludwig Borchardts Fälschungen-Recherche von 1930 aus den Quellen neu erzählt
Rolf Krauss
I faraoni a Milano. Il gusto neo-egizio nella scena d’architettura alla Scala d’inizio Ottocento
Pierluigi Panza

Edal II · 2010/2011
220pp., 13 tavole b.n., 7 contributi in italiano, inglese, francese.
Consulta l’indice: SCARICA IL PDF.
220pp., 13 plates b.n., 7 articles in Italian, English, French.
See the index: DOWNLOAD THE PDF.
TABLE of CONTENTS (click on the link for the PDF abstract)
The activities of the Egyptological Archives and Library of the Università degli Studi di Milano (2010-2011)
Patrizia Piacentini
Pascal Vernus
Thomas L. Gertzen
Hana Navrátilová
Who was Who in Egyptology Morris
L. Bierbrier
Il dottor Granville e la sua mummia
Paola Cosmacini
The Egyptological Archives and Library of the Università degli Studi di Milano. Bibliography ( II ) Christian Orsenigo
Edal I · 2009
192pp., 86 tavole a col., 23 contributi in italiano, inglese, francese.
Consulta l’indice: SCARICA IL PDF.
192pp., 86 plates col., 23 articles in Italian, English, French.
See the index: DOWNLOAD THE PDF.
Editorial. Ten Years Later
Patrizia Piacentini
Enrico Decleva
Giuseppe Zanetto
Discorso di apertura del Congresso
Massimo Zanello
Sergio Donadoni
Pierluigi Panza
Le antichità egiziane di Pelagio Palagi e il mercato antiquario veneziano
Daniela Picchi
Le rôle des archives dans la reconstitution du décor perdu de la tombe de Séthi Ier
Florence Mauric-Barberio
Le dessinateur Cherubini et la Grammaire de Champollion
Nadine Cherpion
Borchardt’s Photo Archive: a preliminary report
Tarek El Awady
Le fonds d’archives Gustave Jéquier: un égyptologue au Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN)
Isadora Rogger
Les Fouilles Françaises à Eléphantine (Assouan), 1906-1911
Elisabeth Delange
Vasi iscritti in terracotta da Gebelein
Elisa Fiore Marochetti
Étude et publication de la collection d’antiquités égyptiennes d’auguste Rodin: genèse d’un programme Nathalie Kayser-Lienhard & Bénédicte Garnier
Margherita Marvulli
La serie egizia di Casimiro Teja sul «Pasquino» (1869-79)
Marta Sironi
Egittomania: l’immagine dell’Egitto nella grafica minore, satirica e per ragazzi
Antonello Negri
The Archives of the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan. The British Museum
Patricia Usick
The early display of Egyptian sculpture in the British Museum
Nigel Strudwick
Borderlines: questions of definition among the documentary and pictorial archives amid the collections of the Petrie Museum
Stephen Quirke
The Archives of the Egypt Exploration Society: the current situation and possibilities for the future
Christopher Naunton
Éric Gady
Peter Der Manuelian
Ancient Egypt Research Associates: developing a gis for the «Lost City of the pyramids»
Camilla Mazzucato
Matilde Borla
Maria Helena Trindade Lopes
The Documentation Center on Nubia at the Nubia Museum of Aswan
Costanza De Simone
The Egyptological Archives and Library of the Università degli Studi di Milano. Bibliography
Christian Orsenigo